by ytalifewellbeing | Dec 16, 2020 | December, Ytalife 2020
Do you sit a lot ? Most of us do! The invention of the “chair” was revolutionary. Imagine a world without the chair. Would we be standing while we work, eat and watch tv? Most likely not. We would be sitting perhaps, on the floor or a mat though. If you’re someone...
by ytalifewellbeing | Dec 9, 2020 | December, Ytalife 2020
As the health problems with sugar is proven further and further, companies are looking for alternative taste enhancers. Artificial sweeteners being on the top of their priority list. Makes sense because most of us consumers are asking for too much. We want the taste...
by ytalifewellbeing | Dec 3, 2020 | December, Ytalife 2020
What is this silly named item? Lectin is essentially a protein from a plant source. Multiple studies have shown that these proteins can impact our healthy adversely. Lectins are made in certain plants as a defence mechanism against being eaten. Lectins essentially...